Do allergies plague your family and sinuses each year? I’ve found some natural remedies for allergies that I use to keep me and my family feeling our best even during allergy season. Sneezes, watery eyes, and runny noses can all be curbed with some herbal and natural remedies.
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I’m a Believer
I never remember having allergy problems as a kid, but as an adult I can’t seem to avoid them. They come once in the spring and then again for round two in the fall. A doctor once told me to just take Zyrtec every day from March 1st until October 31st. I tried that for a while, but wanted some more natural remedies for allergies.
With lots of research and using myself as a human guinea pig, I found several remedies that help me survive allergy season. Of course I’m not a doctor, so give these a try at your own risk.
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Natural Remedies for Allergies: Essential Oils
When allergy season rolls around, you will find an allergy roller bottle within 10 feet of me at all times. I apply it first thing in the morning, as needed throughout the day, and again at bedtime. The best place to apply is along your sinuses. At bedtime I will put some on my feet, along my spine, and even in my belly button. Needless to say, I go through a lot of these allergy roller bottles.
I also like to run the diffusers nonstop during allergy season. The goal is to breath in enough of the good stuff that it will over power the pollen. I keep my allergy blend going in a diffuser in the house, the car, and my classroom. Go ahead and stock of on lemon, peppermint, and lavender essential oils.
Natural Remedies for Allergies: Homeopathy
When I discovered homeopathy, it was because of my allergies. Histaminum Hydrochloricum 30c was my saving grace. I now take it from March 1st through October 31st. Even the people at work have started using it. It works well for hay fever too.
There are other homeopathic allergy medications as well depending on your symptoms. Galphimia Glauca is good for sneezing and a runny nose. If your runny nose is worse in the morning try Natrum Muriaticum. For itchy eyes try Euphrasia Officinalis. You can read the homeopathy guide from Boiron for more information.
Natural Remedies for Allergies: Herbs
Last but not least is herbs. I will also add honey here. Raw local honey will help you with allergies. Put a teaspoon in your tea or take it by itself. It has all of the pollen that your body is fighting against if it is locally sourced. That is what will help your body survive allergy season.
Stinging nettle will hurt if you brush up against it, but when brewed in a tea it is one of the best herbs to use for allergies. You can buy it dried to keep on hand. Or if you have experience you can forage for it yourself.
Ginger is a very easy herb to get ahold of because it can be found at your local grocery store. It acts as a natural antihistamine. Brew up some ginger tea. While you sip be sure to deeply inhale the steam for maximum benefits.
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