Spring is right around the corner and spring fever has hit me hard. Since I can’t smell the flowers outside yet, I’ve taken to bringing those smells indoors. These spring diffuser blends smell fresh and bright. Brighten your home with the smells of spring.
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Smells of Spring With Diffuser Blends
Despite the two inches of snow on the ground outside, it smells like spring inside. I’m enjoying my last snow day of the year. This morning I filled every diffuser in the house with a different spring diffuser blend. The living room smells like a spring thunderstorm, while the bedroom smells earthy like the garden.
Spring fever hits our house hard this time of year. My husband is spending every warm day outside on the tractor clearing the pond. I dash home after work in order to plant my vegetable garden. Despite the spring fever, we are still wearing coats and shoveling snow. Therefore, I’m using my essential oil diffuser blends to make up for the lack of springtime outside.
Spring brings open windows, freshly cut grass, blooming flowers, and hours digging in the dirt. Whenever we get a few warm days, my brain switches to springtime. I start to crave fresh produce. My shoes come off so that I can feel the dirt between my toes while I dig in the garden.
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Spring Diffuser Blends: Flowerbeds
In the springtime, Mama’s yard smelled like a florist’s shop. We used to tease her that it looked like a jungle. Some of the flowers were sickeningly sweet and others smelled like fresh air. I could always tell when the honeysuckle started to bloom.
3 drops lavender
1 drop geranium
1 drop bergamot
Spring Diffuser Blends: Thunderstorm
April showers bring May flowers. Does anything smell better than a spring thunderstorm? It smells fresh and clean like God washed the earth clean. Then a rainbow appears reminding us of God’s promise. Although I hate storms, I love the aftermath.
3 drops vetiver
2 drops lemon
Spring Diffuser Blends: Spring Cleaning
Spring cleaning means that we must face all of those dirty places we haven’t thought about in the last year. I not only want my house to look clean, I want it to smell clean. After cleaning the house my mom always lit a candle. You knew she was done when the candle was lit. For me it’s when the diffuser is running. Once the room is clean, I turn on the diffuser.
3 drops lemon
1 drop orange
1 drop rosemary
Spring Diffuser Blends: Allergy Relief
Although I love the changes that spring brings along with it, I could do without the pollen. It leaves me with a stuffy nose and itchy eyes. This blend helps me beat the allergies. When things get really bad, I use an allergy roller bottle as well. You can find this spring diffuser blend running in the bedroom every night between March and September.
2 drops of peppermint
2 drops of lemon
2 drops of lavender
Spring Diffuser Blends: Garden Walk
The garden brings so much joy each spring. The smell of the dirt and herbs. The feeling of dirt on your hands. The excitement of the first signs of growth. Few things bring me as much joy as the garden in the spring.
1 drop thyme
2 drops rosemary
1 drop oregano
1 drop patchouli
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