If you are looking to save money on groceries then you need to try making a meal plan once a month. It will save you time and money. One trip to the grocery store and you’ll always know the answer to the inevitable question, “What’s for dinner?” because you will have a plan.
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Once a Month is Enough for Me
We used to live 45 minutes away from the grocery store. Not only did it take time to drive there and back, but there was also the shopping to do. It was taking up far too much time for us to do it every weekend. After hitting Sam’s Club, Aldi, and Walmart we lost an entire day of our weekend. Eventually this got moved out to every two weeks, which I still found to be too frequent. So we decided to try to make a meal plan once a month. That turned out to be just enough for me.
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How to Meal Plan Once a Month
Fill out the calendar.
If you want to make a meal plan once a month and actually stick to it, then it is important that you start by filling out the calendar. We both know you aren’t going to want to fix a big meal the same night as Bible study or soccer practice. Planning for easy, quick meals on busy nights will keep you out of a drive through.
Rotate your proteins.
I suggest rotating your proteins. We rotate through beef, pork, chicken, seafood, and carbs. This helps keep meals from feeling too repetitive and your diet and budget balanced. I keep a running list of meal ideas in the notes app on my phone. The ideas are broken down by protein. It has made meal planning so much easier.
Shop your kitchen first.
When deciding on meals, make sure to shop your own kitchen first. I find it helpful to go through the freezer and make a list of meats before starting. Then I don’t have to get up a hundred times to go look in the freezer. The same for vegetables and canned goods.
Pick a starch and a veggie.
Once you have decided on the main dish, then it’s time to pick out the sides. My rule of thumb is to add a plant and a carb to every meal. Usually this means a vegetable, but sometimes a fruit works better. For instance, when we do breakfast for dinner, canned pears or applesauce pair better with bacon. Some of our favorite starches are potatoes in any form, rice, mac and cheese, and bread.
Why Meal Plan Once a Month
Save big money.
Having a meal plan cuts down on how much money is spent eating out because you always know what’s for dinner. When you make the plan by shopping your own kitchen first, then you cut down on the wasted food and how much you are buying each time. With fewer trips to the store, you’ll have fewer opportunities to shop hungry and make impulse purchases.
Time is precious.
I’ve never met anybody that loves spending their precious free time planning meals, making shopping lists, doing the grocery shopping, and putting all of the food away. Instead of spending four Saturdays a month doing so, try just one. Now you’ve got an extra three days per month.
Decision fatigue is a real thing.
Maybe it’s just because I teach preschool, but when I get home, I am of no mind to be making decisions about dinner. Having a meal plan means that the decision has already been made, now I just have to prepare it. This improves my mood and lets my mind decompress.
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