Are you feeling blah and unmotivated as a homemaker? Then I challenge you to give the homemaker’s dress code a try. It literally tricks your brain into feeling productive. It’s quite simple and doesn’t require you to go out and buy an entirely new wardrobe. Although you may not be trending in the fashion department, your brain won’t care.
[Read more…] about Homemaker’s Dress CodeHomesteading
How to Get it All Done on the Homestead
We all have the same 24 hours in the day, so why is it that some people are able to get so much accomplished in their day while others just can’t? My aim is to give you some tips on how to get it all done on the homestead, but know that life isn’t perfect and things happen. That doesn’t mean you can’t try these productivity tips to make the most of each day.
[Read more…] about How to Get it All Done on the HomesteadLast Minute Gift Ideas for Homesteaders
Are you looking for the perfect gift for the homesteader in your life? I’ve made a list of the perfect last minute gift ideas for homesteaders. Whether they are apartment homesteaders or complete-with-dairy-cow homesteaders there’s a gift idea for all types.
[Read more…] about Last Minute Gift Ideas for HomesteadersHomesteading Lessons from Little House
Did anybody else that adored the Little House books grow up to be a homesteader? While the books do romanticize many parts of traditional homesteading, there are many homesteading lessons from Little House that still apply today. The books might have been embellished, but the things learned in the little houses hold true.
[Read more…] about Homesteading Lessons from Little HouseFiction Books for Homesteaders
Are you looking for a good book to read on the porch swing this summer? Try one of these fiction books for homesteaders. They will inspire your homestead dream, while you sip sweet tea in the shade.
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